YA Festival

A tentative 4D4N festival held physically in Singapore in June 2025 for all YA fellows, aimed at providing a platform for demoing your endeavours, accessing new networks and exploring local industries.

  1. Keynotes from YA100 and special guests
  2. Opportunities for pitching to grant agencies, nonprofits and industry experts
  3. Industry tours and learning journeys around Singapore
  4. Fun night activites
  5. Networking sessions

YA Accelerator

A 6-week online accelerator programme designed to teach you how to escape the high school rate race, unlock personal agency and captivate an audience. You will be provided with free workshops, notes, mentorship and feedback along the duration of the programme.

Each participant will also be matched with a mentor from the YA100.

The core of this programme requires you to complete a self-directed endeavour that falls under one of the 3 YA tracks:

  1. STEM (Deliver a research paper or a working prototype)
  2. Service Learning (Conduct the first act/session of community service)
  3. Arts and Humanities (Deliver a research paper or completed creative work in any medium)


The YA100 is the official list of mentors recruited by YA to guide you along your journey with us.

Just for you, we've recruited 100 trailblazing individuals from Asia, including talented STEM researchers from MIT and Harvard, founders of startups and advocacy projects, and creative artists sharing their work worldwide.

Click on the tabs below to explore course details and mentors.


Any idea involving science, maths, technology, code, or creative problem-solving belongs to this track. Get ready to build a live prototype or write a research paper on your idea!

Mr Tyler Cowen

Economist, Chairman of Mercatus Centre

George Mason University

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Ms Lee Kiang Ng

Post Trade Compliance Manager


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Mr Chong Ing Kai

Founder of Stick 'Em

Stick ‘Em

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Ms Ma Zhiyu

Software Intern

Fabrica AI

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Mr Pradyumna Shyama Prasad

Data Science Intern

GovTech Singapore

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Ms Medha Shridharan


Stanford University

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Ms Lim Wan Qin

Student Graduate

Hwa Chong Institution

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Mr James Huang

Schneider Electric Logistics Engineering Intern

Schneider Electric

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Mr Vishnu Saran

Co - Founder | CEO

Invigilo Technologies

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